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  • Writer's pictureDEEPA KANSRA

Astrology and Our Relationship with the Planets- Part 1

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Astrology is based on the understanding that planets influence and shape the affairs' of human beings on earth. For example, the planet Jupiter is said to bestow new learnings, opportunities and growth.

With the use of astrology and its various methods, one can ascertain and understand the role of planets in everyday life. The planets include the Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Rahu and Ketu. (Rahu and Ketu have been included because of their ability to communicate and influence just like the rest of the planets).

One can begin exploring the role of planets from the time of birth of an individual. At the time of birth, the planets can be seen conveying certain messages for the person who has taken birth. These messages can be deciphered from the horoscope/birth chart. The horoscope of young children is occasionally also referred to by their guardians to make important decisions.

In addition to what the planets convey at the time of birth, they also convey messages throughout the lifespan of an individual. These messages are like communications which highlight the mystical, enduring and unbreakable bond that human beings have with the planets.

This whole discussion also makes one curious about whether planets convey the same messages to all persons? Or are there also any specific messages?


I offer three reasons as to why there is a need to explore such questions and become more aware about the role of planets.

Firstly, the planets explain events, occurrences and the "inequalities of life" (K.S. Krishnamurti on planets, karma and re-incarnation).

Second, the planets can explain one's aspirations and motivations, material and non-material.

And third, the planets offer opportunities and gifts, material and non-material.

In the field of astrology, the nature and status of planets has been extensively discussed and illuminated by many scholars. In most of the scholarly works and classical astrological texts, the planets have been attributed with qualities, functions and a temperament.



In Bepin Behari's book- Astrological Exploration of the Soul, planets are referred to as divine agents who are assigned the task of guiding the descent of supreme energy to the realm of objective manifestation. They are said to also watch the events confronting the individual and they guide them according to the lord of karma and helpful for his/her unfoldment. (B. Behari, 2004)

On their status in the universe, Charles and Suzi Harvey refer to them as gods; gods which represent the intelligent processes of the cosmos...

In addition, for human beings, they represent parts or functions of the hole psyche, each having its own essential energy and purpose, and forming the focus of a different "side" or "sub-personality" within us. (Thorsons Principles of Astrology, 1999).

All in all, these scholarly works qualify planets as living entities which are ever evolving, dynamic and purposeful in orientation.


To continue... Astrology and Our Relationship with the Planets (Part 2)- The Personality of Planets

(Note- Uranus, Pluto and Neptune have not been allotted a specific time period in the Vedic dasha scheme. Their influence is assessed based on several factors in the horoscope)

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